1. 恐怖游轮官方解释
2. 恐怖游轮没看懂什么意思
剧情解释:(类似西欧神话寓言的现代版) 周六早上,jess带着儿子去赴greg八点半的约一起出海(冰箱上的纸条写着:greg,thetrangleharbor8:30,是她提醒自己用的),但是因为儿子弄洒了颜料耽误了时间,所以jess为了不迟到开了快车,导致车祸,母子二人当场死去,死亡时间是8:17分,也就是jess手表和船上的挂钟永远停止的时间。jess的灵魂在弥留之际记得有一个约还没有赴,所以请求死神带她去港口见greg一面以了牵挂,她承诺死神一定会回来赴死,但是却违背了承诺一去不回,于是有了后面的降罪。 船上和出租车上的两段对话是理解此片主题的关键: 当船上一行人经过走廊,看到船名aeolus时,提到aeolus的儿子sisyphus被神罚,要无休止的推石头上山,再眼睁睁看着石头滚落山脚。victor好奇sisyphus究竟犯了什么大罪要受此折磨,sally回答:”hecheateddeath.no,hemadeapromisetodeaththathedidn'tkeep“(他欺骗了死神。不,应该说是他向死神做出了承诺,却没有遵守诺言) 再看片尾jess搭乘出租车来到港口,司机(即死神)说:”i'llleavethemeterrunning...youwillcomebackwon'tyou?“(我会把里程表一直开着,你会回来的对么?潜台词:你只可以去码头看一眼,看完就要回来继续搭乘灵车去冥界,因为你死亡的命运已是不可更改的事实)jess回答:”yes,i...ipromise.“这个promise是关键,即jess对死神的承诺,和船上sally的那段解说惊人的吻合。 所以这个故事的主题是一个不愿承认自己死去的灵魂做的徒劳挣扎,她想违背自然法则恢复失去的生命,恢复失去的爱,弥补自己曾经带给儿子的伤害。而这一切都注定她将陷入自己的心造出的炼狱,无止境的循环下去。 垍頭條萊
3. 恐怖游轮是
4. 恐怖游轮官方解析
一切只是个局,这是死神(最后的出租车司机)惩罚女主角而设置的局。一切只因为女主角答应死神最后见见就回来,而没有回来的惩罚。 《恐怖游轮》是2009年上映的一部心理悬疑影片,影片讲述单身母亲杰西和一群朋友乘坐游艇出海游玩遇到风暴,登上一艘经过的游轮后却发现这艘1930年失踪的神秘游轮里空无一人,随之而来的连环凶杀让杰西等人陷入轮回的恐怖之中。條萊垍頭
5. 恐怖游轮百度百科
the story revolves around the passengers of a yachting trip in the atlantic ocean who, when struck by mysterious weather conditions, jump to another ship only to experience greater havoc on the open seas.又找到一个了jess is a single mother to tommy, who is autistic. encouraged by her friend, greg, to take some time for herself, she joins him and his friends for a day of sailing. soon, they get caught in a freak electrical storm which capsizes their boat, forcing them to seek refuge in a passing ocean liner. once on board, they realize that the ship is empty. jess, however, feels that she has been there before.as the group explores the ship further, strange things begin to happen. jess finds her keys tossed on the floor, food appears to have been prepared for the group, and footsteps are heard in the halls. a masked figure stalks the group while jess attempts to piece together the unfolding mystery as well as survive.it transpires that jess is that masked figure and that they are all trapped in a time loop of repetition that can only be broken, jess concludes, by murdering her shipmates. she thinks it will cause the loop to start over and allow her a fresh chance to escape. eventually, she herself falls overboard and wakes up on a beach near home.she reaches home and sees herself and her son. sequences are shown that were not shown in the first instance of this scene, portraying jess as a bad mother. jess is disgusted at how she used to treat her son, and, planning to replace her past self, she kills the past jess. thinking it best to get out of town, she heads off with her son in back and the body in the trunk. when her attention is diverted, she accidentally sideswipes a truck, causing her car to flip over, killing her son and throwing the body of past jess out onto the road.a taxi driver comes to her and tells her that the little boy can't come back, then she goes in shock and leaves with him to go to the harbour thinking that she can save her child, and the cycle repeats as ever.萊垍頭條
6. 恐怖游轮别名
7. 恐怖游轮意义何在
8. 恐怖游轮详细解释